Sour Dough Starter

Serves: 16

   1 package dry yeast
   1/2 cup lukewarm water
   2 tablespoons sugar
   2 cups warm water
   2 1/2 cups plain flour
   1/4 cup sugar
   3 tablespoons instant potato flakes
   1 cup warm water

Mix yeast with the 1/2 cup of warm water. then mix sugar with the 2 cups of warm water and flour. Add to yeast mixture. Let stand in a glass jar, covered with a cloth, for 5 days. Put this initial starter in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. Take out and feed with the last three ingredients. Mix well and add to starter. Let starter stand out of refrigerator all day (8 to 12 hours) or until bubbly. Remove one cup of the starter to make bread and return remainder to the refrigerator. Keep it in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. Then feed again using the last three ingredients. Now your starter is ready to use. If you are not making bread after feeding the starter, throw away 1 cup. Strter may be fed 2 to 3 times before using any for bread. This is to avoid depleting your starter.

Long years ago, before anyone had dreamed up the idea of packaging pancake mixes, people kept a starter going expecially for pancakes. Nowadays we make the starter the night before which makes light, puffy, and absolutely delicious pancakes.

Recipe formatted with the Cook'n Recipe Computer Software from DVO Enterprises.