Mama's Hot Rolls

Serves: 15

Jennie Peer Jones

   Package yeast
   1/2 cup warm water
   1/4 cup sugar (scant 1/4 cup)
   1/2 cup lard (scant 1/2 cup)
   1 1/2 teaspoons salt
   1/2 cup boiling water
   1 whole egg
   3 cups plain flour

Dissolve yeast in water and set aside. In large bowl add sugar, lard, salt and boiling water and mix well and let cool until lukewarm. Then add 1 egg, and the yeast mixture and mix well. Gradually add 3 cups of flour and put in refrigerator and leave overnight. Make rolls up and let them rise about 3 hours before you plan on baking them.

Recipe formatted with the Cook'n Recipe Program from DVO Enterprises.