Fresh Egg Pasta or Dumplings

Serves: 8

   2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
   1/2 cup pastry flour
   4 eggs
   1 tablespoon olive oil (can use canola oil)

In a small container whisk the eggs together with the oil. Combine the flours in a bowl - food processor bowl if you have one. Gradually add the egg mixture to the flour mixture until the dough starts to come away from the sides of the bowl. Dough should be moist enough to pinch together but not sticky. Depending on the humidity and batch of flour you may have to add additional eggs to get the right comsistency.

Then transfer onto a floured surface. Knead the dough to form into a ball and set aside to rest. Cut the dough into eight chunks and roll out on a lightly floured counter until thin enough to see a knife through it. Let dry for 5 minutes on a lightly floured surface and then cut into desired size. You can use this same dough to make fettucine by using a knife and ruler to cut the long strips of dough.

This recipe is much easier if you have a food processor and a pasta rolling and cutting machine.

Recipe formatted with the Cook'n Recipe Software from DVO Enterprises.